Is it okay to bring my kids to the event?
Let's try this another way - will there be kids at the event? Yes. Will there be kids activies at the event? Possibly. Are the kids 'cool' with things like naked people, loud booms, and fire? Definately. Will your kids be cool with those things? You're the parent - you tell us. Children are welcome at the event, but it is your job as a parent to evaluate if your children should be around things that you, as their parent, might have to explain to them. Some kids are really cool with it, some not so much.
For DS '07 - Kids 12 & under are free!
Why do you keep changing the name of the event?
To fuck with you... duh?!
Dark Skies is the local event, produced by Vegas Artists LLC. In the spring of '06, we joined together with Los Angeles to produce Singularity. Since LA had their decompression to plan & execute in the fall of '06, it went back to Dark Skies. For Spring '07, since everyone wants to see Singularity, the event will be officially called "Dark Skies Presents The Singularity Event". Beyond that, we have no idea what we're calling it.
What is the theme of the event?
We don't really do themes for Dark Skies. A theme seems to limit people's expression - thinking that they have to stick with the theme. We prefer it to be a 'Choose your own theme' event.
What's up with the "no in-out policy"? What if I *have* to leave?
The "In-Out" policy is in place for a few reasons - first & foremost, we're building a community here. This is not a concert, its not a rave, and its not a day trip. If you chose to buy the ticket and come out - you're expected to be a part of the community. Participation is the biggest part of community - so stick around & enjoy yourself. Another reason is with a lot of "in-out" traffic, the thing that is effected the most are our potties. They get trashed by people coming in and the potty company gets really upset. No potties = no event.
Now, if you *have* to leave - go to the front gate and let them know you're leaving. But they have the option of not letting you back into the event. More than likely, they'll stop you and make sure that you didn't bring back six of your friends. Production staff, and displaying and performing artists are exempt from this rule.
How do I get a free ticket?
Work your ass off!
"Free" tickets are only given to working staff during the event. What the qualifications are is up to the various department heads. Each department is given a limited number of working personel tickets, so they get used sparingly. Check the CONTACT page to see who you need to talk to.
I want to perform out there - how do I get booked on a stage?
If you want to perform, buy a ticket and come out - we would love to have you & your art. The event producers do not produce stages - all stages are co-ordinated and put together from within the community. If you'd like to have your band come out - check the Yahoo Group and Tribe list to see if anyone is bringing out their stage or DJ rig or whatever else you might need and contact them directly.
Is this just another way to put on a rave?
In no way, shape, or form is this a 'rave'. Yes there will be electronic music, along with many other kinds such as jazz, bluegrass, and spoken word. There's too many other talented people involved and too much great art coming out from Las Vegas & surrounding areas to degrade this event with that negative label. This is a repeatable business that we all want to see happen and we're very serious about doing it again & again.
Yeah, a friend of mine with such & such crew said to bring him some records so he can spin. Can I come in?
Sure... let me see your ticket. Anyone who comes in through the gate, who is not working personel, needs to have a ticket - either that they bought or someone else bought for them. Your friend needs some records, then you need to call him & have him come up to the gate to pick up his stuff. But, if your friend had you drive all the way out here and didn't tell you about needing a ticket - how good of friend are they?
Wait a minute! You said no commerce on site, but you're selling ice. What gives?
Damn, you saw through our clever plot to make ass loads of cash off of bags of ice. Curse you meddling kids!
We sell ice for two reasons - one, it gets really hot in the middle of the desert & there are no in-out privledges so an ice run is out of the question (assuming that Primm can stock enough ice for 700 people - we've asked, they can't); the second reason is that the small profit made off the sale of ice pays for the dumpster rental, which helps us to be a truly "Leave No Trace" event, and you don't have to haul smelly garbarge back home.
I just want a ticket for Saturday night, why won't you sell me one?
It's because you're bad, you had pre marital sex as a minor, and now god hates you. We hope you're happy.
Why can't I bring my dog? You guys suck.
Your dog, no matter how well behaved will not like Dark Skies. This is not a dog friendly environment. We'd really hate to be responsible for 'Fluffy' running off and getting eaten by Coyotes, or biting a participant, or pissing on one of our tents, or eating our fried chicken, or getting lost, or, or...
What's to keep people from just parking outside of the event and walking in? There's no fence, I'm crashing it!
Go right ahead.
Allow us to describe your fun filled journey (roll game show music) !
First, you'll be walking across several miles of open desert presumably at night, during rattlesnake season. In which case if you're that hard-core, we want you working with us rather then against us. So grab a friggin' radio and welcome to the team 'killer'!
Then, we'll have some high powered night vision goggles set up in center camp on top of a truck, and we'll be watching you out there walking around (getting arrested by the BLM for violating our permit) which should be a lot of fun too.
Finally, If you do park on the perimeter or anywhere on the access road and try to walk in, your car will be towed. So, assuming that you do manage to subvert our massive high tech laser cyborg security grid (now with 30% less fat!) and get in for free, it's then a long walk back to the impound yard. Better carry some water with you.